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The planets in our solar system are very different from each other. In this page, I will guide you through all of the planets, including the sun, with a "fact file" for each one. Enjoy!

The Beginning of the Solar System

Billions of years ago, the solar system was just a huge disk made up of dust ejected from the Big Bang, and from parts of other suns that had blown up many centuries before.

All these particles of dust started to bang into each other, and formed larger and larger rocks. When these rocks became a certain size, they started to pull in more and more dust by gravity. Soon, there were many small planets.

There was also a lot of gas in the dust cloud, and this gathered together in the central part of the Solar System. It grew larger and larger until it turned into the sun we know today.

All the hundreds of mini-planets kept circling the sun. However, some of the orbits intersected, so many of the planets crashed into each other, and others started to orbit these growing planets and became moons. Those that were left have continued in their stable orbits until today.



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